
OfficialDownloadofVLCmediaplayerforMacOSX.,VLCMediaPlayerisafreemultimediaplayerthatletsyouplaymusicandvideocontent.YoucandownloadthishandyprogramforMac,MicrosoftWindowsPC,iOS, ...,2023年10月9日—VLCMediaPlayerforMac(vlc视频播放器)v3.0.19intel/M1苹果中文正式版.大小:81.0MB;分类:视频播放器;环境:Mac;更新:2023-10-09.下载.,VLCisafreeandopensourcecross-platformmultimediaplayer.Itcanplayallyourmov...

VLC for Mac OS X

Official Download of VLC media player for Mac OS X.

VLC media player for Mac

VLC Media Player is a free multimedia player that lets you play music and video content. You can download this handy program for Mac, Microsoft Windows PC, iOS, ...

VLC Media Player for Mac(vlc视频播放器) v3.0.19 intelM1 ...

2023年10月9日 — VLC Media Player for Mac(vlc视频播放器) v3.0.19 intel/M1 苹果中文正式版. 大小:81.0MB; 分类:视频播放器; 环境:Mac; 更新:2023-10-09. 下载.

在App Store 上的「VLC media player」

VLC is a free and open source cross-platform multimedia player. It can play all your movies, shows and music in most formats directly without conversion.

官方VLC 媒體播放器下載,最好的開放原始碼播放器

可播放大多數影音檔,無需安裝編解碼器套件- MPEG-2, MPEG-4, H.264, MKV, WebM, WMV, MP3... 可在所有平台運作- Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Unix, iOS, Android ... 完全 ...

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